Since discovering blogging this year, I have been inspired like NEVER before. I am always looking for new ways to make my home more cozy. Being able to see all the wonderful homes of my blogging friends has given me sooo many great ideas to use in my own Nest. This cookbook redo started because blogger
Karol redid her kitchen hutch and showed off all her wonderful cookbooks. Right away I knew some changes were needed on THAT shelf in my kitchen. I also had run out and bought the totally awesome
FarmChicks cookbook that was newly released that week and discovered one of the projects in it was recovering your cookbooks....Talk about an Ah~ha moment!

I have been collecting pretty papers for some time and I had just the right stuff. It also gave me an excuse to go to Michaels and buy letter stickers, heehee! I am just finishing up a kitchen redo and PINK is IN! Come back later this week to see the WHOLE kitchen. I am just about done with it.

This is what one old cookbook looked like before I started. Kinda ratty and worn looking. I had some floral paper I loved and once that was on, I knew I was channeling my bloggy friend Karla from
Karla's Cottage when I dug out the glitter letters to finish it off! I did go around the outside of the letters with a marker so they would stand out a little bit more.

Now it is one of my favorites... I know I will think of Karla though, everytime I cook with it! Do you have any ugly, dirty cookbooks you could give a facelift?? It was easy and fun!

The shelf is right over my stove. Whenever I walk into my kitchen, my eyes are drawn up to it because it is such a happy spot now.
Thank you so much for including me in your "awards" the other day! I haven't been on too much for a few days, but I so appreciate you including me! I signed on tonight, look at your site and girlfriend....I too did a little redoing my self. So come on over and check out my re-do! I am still working on the 10 people to pass along to, so give me a few days...I haven't forgotten.
Thanks again,
I LOVE what you have done with your cookbooks. It looks fantastic!!!!!!!!
Karol :0)
Your cookbooks are truly beautiful...though I must tell you...rather than being inspired to recover mine though...I really just want to chuck most of them to goodwill. My cupboard will never be that pretty. *sigh*
Your cookbooks look GREAT! I love the way you have displayed everything...and especially how you've given The Farm Chicks such an honored spot. LOL I finally ordered my copy and can't wait 'til it gets here!
You've inspired me to dress up my spattered and worn out cookbooks!
Great ideas.
Have a blessed week,
Amy O.
It looks awesome.
Thanks for inspiring me!
How sweet of you! I love the flowery paper too!
I love your cookbook...so pretty! Can't wait to see your fun kitchen redo!
Lilly Sue,
The cook books on the shelves look darling. I know what you mean about being inspired. I am daily with the creative ladies out there. There are even a few guys in the crowd. he he
Loving the covered cookbooks. Hugs, Bobbi Jo
SUPER CUTE! So glad you told me to come over and check it out!!
Hey!! You should totally tell Serena what you did!!!
She'd love it! just like me....
Just found you and I'll certainly be back! Your blog is beautiful! Found you by way of Life in my Studio - Have a great Tuesday!
Anne Marie is right. I love it! Wow! Thanks for giving our cookbook such a place of honor on your shelf. Your cookbook covers are adorable. With a kitchen like yours, you must always be inspired.
Wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing - your cookbooks are just beaming up there! Great job!
That reminds me I have a very old cookbook, dirty dirty cause its put away.My mother-inlaw gave it to me when my husband and I were first married.Great idea Im going to be working on that.
I got so excited to steal your idea of displaying your cook books over your vent hood, then I realized, I have a big pipe from my vent hood going through that cabinet! Pooh!
I am just getting around to looking at all these kitchens I luv your ME stuff thats what my kitchen was done in our old house! See ya for the living room tour!
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