Sunday, March 29, 2009
The Pet Parade: Past pets #1
This post was inspired by my friend Carol. We got to talking about the best pocket pets the other day. She had sent me an email with pictures of the cutest tiny baby hedgehog you have ever seen. Google: baby hedgehog if you want a dose of extra cuteness! We talked about hamsters (been there, done that) ferrets (no thanks) mice (too small) and gerbils (too hyper). I told her the best small pet we ever had (next to my son's garter snake, Carter, who his 3rd grade teacher accidentally cooked by placing his cage too near the heater) (We forgive you Mrs. Small) was dumbo rats. UGhhh, Rats! you say.....Well, YES!! My son picked out a adult dumbo rat at the pet shop. As I was paying for "Daisy", we remarked on how chubby she was. The lady says," She may be expecting...I am not sure". I reply, "And when can we expect babies if she is???". "Oh, not for a couple of weeks". Within 24 hours, my children and I got to experience the miracle of birth. 7 times. One died. We had 6 little red, squirming blobs. Daisy was an amazing mom. She was always wonderful with us and let us handle them as much as we liked. Soon they turned into the sweetest little babies you could imagine. Look at those faces........We ended up letting the elementary school keep Daisy as a pet and we kept two of the babies. Hoodsy and Macy. They were wonderful pets. Rats are not nocturnal like most rodent pets. They sleep at night and WANT you to play with them during the day. They can be potty box trained and are pretty clean. Their tails are not funky....they are covered with the softest peachfuzz ever. They love for you to play games with them and learn to come to their own names. They are really more like dogs!! We would still have rats today except for one thing. They have become so inbred, etc...that they are extremely susceptible to cancer. Both Hoodsy and Macy came down with horrible tumors on their feet. There was nothing we could do for them and ended up putting them to sleep when they were almost 3 years old. Very sad......We decided we could not get any more and see them suffer too. Now we have BUNNIES....but that is another post!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Collections around my Kitchen
Thank you for stopping by to peek at my kitchen collections!
Blessings~ LillySue
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Feathering my Nest: The Kitchen Redo
Blessings- LillySue
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Cheerful Kitchen Projects done!
I like to change my decor around with the seasons and do have my Christmas things out from October till February. Yeah, I know....for most people that is a little too long, but it all makes me really happy so 3+ months is just right!!
When Valentines day is coming and Spring just after that.....I want something bright and cheerful. I have been seeing a lot of cupcake themed items that are sooo cute. I am more into pie myself. I decided to do a whimsical bakery theme.
You can click any of the photo's to make them bigger...I think!
The puppy in the above one is actually licking his lips in anticipation of a piece of pie!
Those two pieces were so fun to do, I may make some more in different colors to sell in my upcoming Etsy shop.
Here is the little shelf all foofed up! Red paint just seems to make everything better. Or white paint....just depends!!

You get a little peak at my finished kitchen in this shot of the towel rack and the one below of the spice rack. I was so happy to put the plastic paper towel rack in my Goodwill box. This one really makes a huge difference in that spot.

I know this is a bad photo of the spice rack, but it is all I got. It is pink and red with robins egg blue glitter letters that say "Spices" of course. I haven't decided yet if I should distress the towel and spice racks yet.....what do you think??
I will post ALL my kitchen redo photos tomorrow. It was fun getting it all styled and photographed. I drug my antique standing lamp in from the living room to use for extra lighting. Please come back to see what you think!
Blessings- LillySue
You get a little peak at my finished kitchen in this shot of the towel rack and the one below of the spice rack. I was so happy to put the plastic paper towel rack in my Goodwill box. This one really makes a huge difference in that spot.
I know this is a bad photo of the spice rack, but it is all I got. It is pink and red with robins egg blue glitter letters that say "Spices" of course. I haven't decided yet if I should distress the towel and spice racks yet.....what do you think??
I will post ALL my kitchen redo photos tomorrow. It was fun getting it all styled and photographed. I drug my antique standing lamp in from the living room to use for extra lighting. Please come back to see what you think!
Blessings- LillySue
Projects for my Kitchen
WooooHoooo~ Last week it finally got warm enough (above 50*) for me to do some spray painting outside. It has been spitting flurries today but the painting is DONE! This little shelf I found at a yard sale. It looked pretty bad. I sanded and cleaned it. I did hit it with some primer before the paint. I could see it would be a sweet little shelf to put pretties on by my kitchen. I have a wall just crying out for just some such thing.
I found this at the Goodwill along with the paper towel rack pictured below. I actually like it the way it has been and it was up in my laundry room for some time. was time for some changes in my kitchen and this guy needed a face lift.
Blessings~ LillySue
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Starting To Look Like Spring?
Kinda like this antique coffee pot full of hydrangeas. My son gave me the froggy last year for my birthday. Isn't he funny and cute! I like how he blends in with the rock on our woodstove surround. I ususally don't do monochromatic but I like how the gray of the rock, pot and frog all look together. That splash of pink really makes this spot cheerful.
This little robin is kinda lonely because one of my naughty kitties bumped the nest and her mate was broken. She does like having more room in her nest now though. I love finding real unoccupied nests and bringing them in to use for decor. I hope your house is starting to bloom about now too!
Blessings- LillySue
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Refeathering My Nest: The Cookbook Redo!
Blessings- LillySue
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Pixie Dust Cottage: Dreams really do come true!

First I want to thank everyone who left comments after my last Post......I am glad we share that dream ! Now, this post is about a dream that did come true! Ever since I was a little girl, my fraternal grama.....Granny Ruth and I talked about someday having a little shop together. She was a stubborn, fun, opinionated, exciting, creative woman. She became an artist in middle age and even had her own separate "Art Studio" where she went to paint and give lessons. She was a huge inspiration to me even though we never did get to have our little shop together. She passed away some years ago at 85. The dream of having my own little shop continued to grow over the years. We live in a quaint little town in Oregon. It has lots of shops that tourists seem to enjoy. Several years ago, after noticing a sad, little empty shop right on the main drag, I decided I just HAD to do my shop there. I did some research, and tracked down the owner in Hawaii. I was able to afford the rent and got on the ball! After lots of hard work, great helpers, mass buying, and prayers......Pixie Dust Cottage opened!! It was a children's boutique, candy store, etc......

The inside walls were painted periwinkle blue with yellow as the accent color. Everything looked so cheerful. I hauled furniture from my own home to use as display pieces. I found lovely companies to order from, made stuff, and redid second hand stuff.

My son was 11 at the time and having inherited my sweet tooth, he insisted we have a candy counter.

You don't know how hard it was to not eat candy the whole time we were working! I, of course, had all my favorites sitting right there on the counter in big jars. Liquorice pastels, (can eat a pound by myself) smooth Melty mints (heavenly) Swedish fish (do I need to say anything??) and Hot Tamales!! Frodo's friends would come in to buy their stash! Lots of samples were given out!

Blessings- LillySue
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Sweet Little Cottage in my Heart

This is where I my heart. We currently live in a large (2,400 sq.ft.) house in central Oregon. It is for sale. This is a picture of where I want to live. Of course it would be in the Arkansas, Ozarks. I am not sure where I got the photo. If it is your house, God bless you! When I go to sleep at night, I visualize myself all cozy in this sweet little cottage. The stone fireplace has a crackling fire, the bookshelves are holding all my favorite books and pretties. My kids are all tucked in their beds, secure and happy with purring kitties. In the summer, our peach and apricot trees will be full of sweet ripe fruit. Arwen and I decided yesterday that we wanted to make homemade ice cream with our soft, ripe apricots when we get some! Of course, the cream will come from our own little Jersey( named Daisy). The eggs will come from our own little flock of hens living in the cute, red chicken house out back. Can you see us sitting on the back porch, passing the hand-crank ice cream maker back and forth, anticipating the wonderful treat awaiting us?? I would run in to my vintage style kitchen and get my glass, old fashioned ice cream dishes to serve it all up in. After we finished the treat, my Dad would get out his banjo and my Uncle, his guitar, and we would have bluegrass music while the kids caught fireflies. I feel in my heart that a call for simpler times is here. I don't need a big house full of electronic gadgets. (except for my computer, scanner/printer, digital camera heehee!) I am ready to hang my laundry out on the line and willing to dig my garden with a shovel. I do love watching a good movie and listening to some Jack Johnson, but I would be just as happy if not happier to hear my Dad play his banjo or guitar and to read a good book. I also want to get a three wheeled granny bike. I won't be a granny for a while but I could toodle down to the market on one of these and bring back my goodies in the big basket on the back. I long to get up in the early morning and after feeding all the critters, make a hearty breakfast with everything produced by our own little farmette. Does anyone else feel like your soul is calling you to more basic living?? I know it is not glamorous and is a lot of hard and dirty work, but that has never been something that bothered me. When I get own little cottage on a little farmette, I will invite you all for homemade ice cream. And I will make sure my Dad brings his banjo over!
Blessings- LillySue
Saturday, March 7, 2009
A Morning Of Magazine BLISS

Blessings- LillySue
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