Thursday, October 8, 2009

Show & Tell Fridays "Vintage Picnic"

Don't ya just LOVE vintage picnic stuff??
See my little yellow ice chest on the right?
My vintage picnic baskets
They make great storage for out of season decor

Ummm, I am kinda addicted to pretty, old thermos's

Gotta have some old picnic drink jugs too.
Yes, I actually do USE these pieces!
Stop over to see more
Show & Tell
See you tomorrow for
Pink Saturday!


Cindy said...

What a great collection! I just love seeing what others collect! Thanks for joining in on Show & Tell!

Michelle said...

Hi, I love the idea of a picnic especially because today had a high of 52.Those thermos brought back fun memories. Stop by for a visit soon!

Pink Roses and Teacups said...


Oh what cool stuff. Wow, you do have a lot of thermos's. Come by for a visit. I have a lot of vintage stuff on my kitchen shelf, I just did a post about. :)


Rebekah@Red's Nest said...

Cute collection and cute blog! I do love vintage picnic baskets. Blessings!

Susan B said...

What a great picnic collection! It's reminds me of picnics when I was young. My dad used to take a thermos similar to yours when he went to work. Thanks for the memories, and for sharing!

Jeanne said...

Picnics bring back some nice memories.

Gee said...

What a beautiful collection. I love the thermos the most. Thanks for sharing.

Nany said...

Oh My ....As I remember.. that picnic baskets are my favorites forever...but I only have one... froma mother's day gift eleven years ago....your collection is so pretty.

Hootin Anni said...

Okay...I'm ready!! Got the special place all set up on the beach. I'll meet you there. You bring all the vintage goodies, I'll bring the food. We'll have a wonderful time.

My Show n Tell is another craft project I just finished this week. You can find it here at this link

Have a glorious weekend.

Jolijn said...

I love this! What a great collection of vintage; thanks for sharing these lovely pictures!

A Southern Rose said...

These are great! I love picnics when it gets a little cooler. Thanks for sharing!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Great collection and what makes it better, you can use the items and enjoy them more.

Anonymous said...

I've seen that cooler before. They are very valuable now. I like your baskets, too.
I have always had a picnic basket. My first one was purchased with S&H Green Stamps. It was red woven with a wooden top. I think I gave it to Mom when I got my Longaburger one. Now my older sister has it. My LB basket has a hinge broken. Lately, I've used the bag that came with my sewing machine.
We have always carried our baskets on road trips, vacations as well as impromtu picnics.
Mama Bear

Lisa said...

Yes I enjoy picnics and your stuff!! I'm not outdoorsy but I do enjoy picnics. Well anything eating wise, hehe
You have a great collection. Thanks for sharing. It's better than a magazine!
Hugs, Lisa

Diane Shiffer said...

I love old picnic stiff too! My collection isn't anywhere near as extensive as yours is though. I have one old piece that I can't quite figure out the exact use of. It's similar to a large round thermos almost (like 2 ft tall) It's made of metal and is double walled. Like I said, I'm clueless, but I love it just the same, lol. You have such pretty things, dear.

Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

How fantastic is this? Very! I'm so loving your collection. I've got a few pieces here and there and a fantabulous Coca Cola 50s ice cooler. I think it's great you use your vintage pieces. I do too!
Those thermoses are wonderful. I remember my dad having some similar to that. Now i"m on a quest to find one of my own!
Enjoy your day thanks for sharing!

RobinfromCA said...

What great vintage things! I would never have thought of collecting vintage picnic items but now, every time I see something I'm going to be tempted thinking of your wonderful collection!


krys kirkpatrick said...

I love picnic baskets also. I have opened a little antique spot and have 3 for sale. Including a beautiful pale aqua one that I have had for over 20 years. But....I am into less so I hope it goes to a good home.

Salmagundi said...

Love, love, love your picnic stuff. I've always wanted to collect it, but have held off. I've bought some for a friend that does collect it though. Yours is the best. Sally

Mrs.T said...

What a wonderful, wonderful collection of vintage picnic things. I have a picnic basket just like the one on the lower right, and I have several of the same Thermoses too.

Thanks so much for sharing these things and also for stopping by my kitchen table. Stop in and visit anytime!

God bless,

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

I love all your picnic things. What a collection of thermos's you have.
It is a nice day here for a picnic. The weather has finally cooled down.


Blue Creek Home said...

What a wonderful collection you have.
The weather here is just perfect for a picnic.

Mary @ Framed and Tagged said...

Love any thing vintage but your collection is awesome!!
I loved picnics when I was a child.

Have a wonderful day!!

cindy@cottage instincts said...

Ooooo....aaaaahhhhhh....those are rockin' my world! Neato indeed :o)
Thanks for poppin' over to my place. I'm a new stalker/follower...

Joan@anthinggoeshere said...

Yes. I love a picnic and who could resist all those fun picnic things! Such a fun and colorful post. xo Joan

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

What a great collection of picnic items. Great baskets but the thermos collection is the best ~ so unique!

Thanks for stopping by my place for Show and Tell and for leaving your comment.

Kindly, ldh

Ginger said...

I love it all! I can remember we had a cooler similar to your yellow one when I was very young in the late '60s.

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hi Lillysue... have a fabuous collection of vintage picnic treasures! I really enjoyed looking through your photos...especially love all those sweet vintage picnic baskets!!! Thank you so much for sharing your lovely collection with us today!!!

Also wanted to thank you for stopping by and taking a peek at my tablescape...sure did enjoy your sweet note!!!

Warmest wishes,
Chari @Happy To Design

Sharlotte said...

Cool! I really like your vintage items! The thermos containers seem to have their own personality...they are very cute. Thanks for sharing!

Ingrid said...

Apparently I belong to "vintage" too by now, because all these things we used when I was in my teen age, lol !

debi said...

Well, I say, pack those babies up and go on a picnic before it's too cold! It looks like you're definitely ready!

Angelica Bays, said...

How sweet! I can just imagina a picnic being so much more fun just using your vintage items. Very cute!

Hey, I just had to stop by and say Hi to another 'Lily'. Not that it's my name, but all of my doll's names end in Lily! Maybe I'll start putting it @ the beginning instead? :o)

Abramyan Avenue said...

How original! I love this. I often times looked at vintage picnic cases in my Country Living magazines and thougt how neat it would be to not only own one but USE one with my family! And you do get to use it! How wonderful! Are these some of the items you have to hide out at your bff's house? LOL! Thanks so much for sharing!

Brenda Pruitt said...

I have several picnic baskets. (I'd have three, but as pups my dogs ate one...) And I love them because not only do they look nice, but such great storage too. Love your picnic collection!

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

I just love, love, love your vintage picnic collection. It's fabulous!!!

★Carol★ said...

Oh my goodness, I love all of this stuff! Especially the jugs and the yellow ice chest! I'm still on the lookout for a PINK jug!
Happy Columbus Day!

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