Don't you just love
Family Circus
by Bill Keane
This is one that hit home with me.
~Bakery Joy~
How can you stand in a bakery and not
feel warm and cozy.
Choosing a treat.... looking at
everything displayed. It can be a
very hard decision!!
I feel so sorry for the children who have
never had this kind of experience.
The bakery counter in the supermarket
is just NOT the same as going in
a little local bakery.
A lot of the espresso shops have a goodies
display. It is a little bit more like a bakery.
Holly & I
Have a dream
She does want to continue her art studies after
graduation with the hope of becoming a
Cinemagraphic Sculptor.
She wants to help create the creatures and costumes
they use in making movies like they
do at Weta Workshop.
But...in addition
We both love to bake.
One day....
We want to own an
Artsy Bakery-Espresso cafe
We want it to be a place where just walking in the
door makes you feel good. You can check your
troubles outside and leave the rest
of the world behind.
Besides having wonderful homemade treats,
it would be filled with a magical assortment
of artist's work displayed and
available for sale.
We want it to have an old world, Tolkien inspired,
Bag-end /Shire
Middle Earth atmosphere
It will seem like there are actually elves
baking in the kitchen.
As you finish brushing the last bit of crumbs
from your lap, you will blink and
wonder if that was a faerie
you just saw fly off with
part of someones
At this point....Holly is a sophomore in high school.
We have several more years to collect and perfect
our recipes. I have worked as a barrista
in the past, so I can whip up
magnificent mochas.
We actually hope to travel for a year after
she graduates. We want to visit
England and Scotland
For some reason it feels like home in my
heart there, and I have never even
been before!
We also want to travel around the U.S.A. in a RV,
visiting lots of festivals and taking art workshops.
We love to meet folks and share stories.
Right now we are just trying to figure
out how we will finance it all.
My wise Granny Ruth always said...
"The money will come"
And you know what.....
She was always right about that!