Sometimes you just gotta move on.
I am feeling this in my life in a
As my marriage has been coming to an end
and my main duty as Mama
is winding down...
I have been struggling with who I am
and what I want to do.
I will turn 47 this summer but
still feel like a young person on the inside.
I am finally getting used to
the older looking gal that stares
back at me in the mirror.
Over the past few years, I have fretted about
loosing my identity as a mom & wife,
being too old to start a new career,
having too many wrinkles for any man
to ever find me attractive,
and too afraid to burst
out of the shell
all this fear
locked me
Our pastor gave a message that really hit home.....
"You are not who people say you are,
you are who God says you are."
I am his chosen, his beloved, his bride, etc..
It was like a new light was turned on
inside my heart.
I don't have to be afraid! I have worth!
I visited a wonderful counselor who helped me
put everything in perspective.
My heart and soul has been healing.
New hope has filled my mind.
When I was growing up, all I ever really
wanted to be was a wife & mom.
I wanted to live on a farm, grow most
of our food, have lots of animals
and babies.
The wife and farm part never did work out as
I had envisioned, but I am so blessed to
have two WONDERFUL children!
They will be 16 & 18 this year.
I am so proud of them!
It seems kinda funny to be trying to figure out
what to do with my life, the same time they are
figuring out what to do with theirs.
What I would love to be is a
Dr. of Holistic Medicine.
Unfortunately, it would take 6 years
and thousands of dollars to do.
I kept looking for the right thing to appear.....
Out of the blue, the PERFECT thing
Our local community college is offering for the
first time, a new course to become a certified
Nutritional Therapy Practitioner.
It will take one full school year and a chunk of cash,
but it is exactly what I was looking for.
I was also recently introduced to
the "nutriceuticals" industry.
It is forcasted to be growing enormously
over the next 10 years.
Change is good!!
I hope you all have had a wonderful Spring...
I have missed visiting around and plan
to do some catching up this week.
Oh, yeah.....I cut my hair all off,
I'm loving it!!